Our Aboriginal Service provides assistance and improve access, availability of health services for the Aboriginal community, information, programs and resources so informed decisions can be made concerning treatment, prevention and rehabilitation services.
Read More...Advance Care Planning involves making a plan for future health and personal care. Advance Care Planning captures a person’s values and beliefs enabling them to influence their medical treatment decisions.
Read More...Find out what services we offer with Logan Lodge (Swan Hill) and Jacaranda Lodge (Nyah West)
Read More...Our Counselling Department provides alcohol and other drug services. Including individual counselling for people concerned about their own or another person’s alcohol or other drug use.
Read More...The service provides information and support to women and men at any stage of benign or malignant breast disease on an inpatient, outpatient and community basis.
We provide a Breastfeeding Support Service. Find out more information and contact services available.
Read More...Cancer patients are able to receive support and treatment from our medical and multi-disciplinary team to ensure optimal treatment.
Read More...The Care Co-ordinator assesses patients following presentation to Swan Hill District Health and assist them and their nominated carers with transition back into the community.
Read More...We provide patients with the highest quality care in a compassionate and comfortable setting in an atmosphere of professionalism, encouragement and understanding. This service has three chairs and one bed.
Read More...Information available to support parents, pre-schools and child care facilities with young children from birth to 5 years.
Read More...Swan Hill District Health receives Commonwealth Government funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).
Read More...Services provided at Community Health include:
-Health Promotion
-Community Health Nursing - including Diabetes Education, Breastfeeding Support, Refugee Health, Women's Health, Sexual & Reproductive Health.
-Sexual and Reproductive Health Nurse Practitioner Clinic
-Men's Sexual Health Clinic
The Community Rehabilitation Centre provides short term multidisciplinary rehabilitation services to support those who have a physical disability, are frail, have a chronic illness or are recovering from injury/surgery to retain independence and transition back into the community.
Read More...Our Counselling Services provide the following services:
Relationship / Family Counselling, Grief and Loss issues, Psychological 1st Aid for Trauma Management, Mediation, Anger Management, Stress, Anxiety and Mild Depression Management
The Dental Service provide a range of dental treatment including: Preventative dental work, Oral examinations, Fillings and extractions, Oral surgery, Denture manufacture & maintenance. Is both a public and private service.
Read More...These services provide education and support for people living with diabetes and their carer’s regarding diabetes self-management, lifestyle modification, equipment supply and support.
Read More...Our Dietetic Services provide the following: Nutrition screening and support in illness & aged care, dietary assessment and education for individuals and groups, support for school & community healthy eating strategies, home enteral nutrition program and outreach services .
Read More...The District Nursing / Hospital in the Home service provides care to the people of Swan Hill and district in their home environment.
Read More...The Emergency Department offers a 24 hour service with Hospital Medical Officers on staff with additional on-call support from General Practitioners, Anaethetists and Surgeons. All Nursing staff have advanced life support skills.
Read More...headspace is a confidential & FREE service where young people aged 12-25 can access a range of youth services & support.
Read More...General information regarding "Freedom of Information" requests.
Read More...The Health Promotion Department is responsible for undertaking primary prevention activities within the community.
Read More...HARP is a community program that aims to improve the health experience and quality of life for people who are living with chronic and/or complex health issues.
Read More...Hospital in the Home (HITH) allows selected patients the opportunity to receive acute care hospital services in their own home environment. HITH patients remain under the care of Swan Hill District Health as an inpatient whilst in the program
Read More...This page has direct links to Dementia Australia who can provide resources, counselling etc to patients families/carers and valuable resources for health professionals.
Read More...Professional Midwives provide education and care for women and families in all aspects of birthing and parenting.
The Occupational Therapy team helps people with health needs to safely participate in their every day activities.
Read More...Palliative Care Community Service delivers specialist care and support for someone living with a life threatening or life limiting illness.
Read More...Our Physiotherapy Services provide large range of outpatient and inpatient services.
Read More...Podiatry services provide care for conditions affecting the foot for both children and adults.
Read More...Post-Acute Care is a short term support program aiming to provide additional support within the community for patients who are transitioning from a public hospital to home. This program provides support with your transition home from hospital.
Read More...Swan Hill District Health provides a comprehensive and quality service for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood including the Positive Pregnancy Program.
Read More...The Radiology Service provides inpatient and outpatient services in general radiology, mammography, ultrasound (including Doppler)and CT scanning. It is offered on a five days per week basis from 8.30 am to 4.45 pm with an emergency Radiographer available on weekends and an on-call service outside these hours.
Read More...The Refugee Health Program provides healthcare support to refugees and asylum seekers living in the Swan Hill District.
Read More...The Renal Dialysis six chair unit provides care and support for people with renal failure.
Read More...Residential in Reach (RIR) is a non- admitted service for people living in residential aged care facility (RACF) to reduce the risk of avoidable ED presentation and hospital admission. RIR provides care, consultation, referral, education and support for clients and care providers in the RACF.
Read More...The Nurse Practitioner Clinic, Women’s Clinic and Clinic 60 (Youth Health Service) offer a strictly confidential general health, including sexual and reproductive health, services to men, women and young people. These services are provided by a female Nurse Practitioner and experienced Community Health Nurses.
Read More...This service is to provide social and recreational support for frail/disabled adults living alone or with carers in the community.
The level of need for support is identified, as well as interests relevant to their participation.
Swan Hill District Health provides a range of Nurse Practitioner, Nursing & Allied Health Specialist Clinics. The Clinics provide specialist assessment, diagnosis and management support to clients with specific conditions. Within these clinics, clients may be seen by specialist doctors, allied health professionals, nurse practitioners or nurses.
Read More...Speech Pathology services are available to people with any sort of communication difficulty. This may include difficulties with speech, language, voice, fluency, and reading and spelling. Speech Pathologists also assist with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
Read More...The new Sub Acute service has 14 sub-acute beds and a therapy area. This includes 3 rehabilitation beds, 3 Geriatric Evaluation and Management beds, 6 Transitional Care beds and 2 Palliative/Hospice beds.
Read More...We have two fully equipped operating rooms, day procedure unit, post anaesthetic care and a central sterilising supply department (CSSD).
Visiting specialists provide services on a regular basis that includes General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Obstetric and Gynaecology, Ear Nose and Throat, Urology, Dental and facio-maxillary.
Using telehealth, you can have an appointment with your health professional by video. You can do this from your home, at your school or at a local health service.
Read More...The Transition Care Program provides short-term support and management for older people, after a stay in hospital.
Read More...The Health Promotion Department offers the Well Women's Clinic, providing holistic health care for women of all ages.
Read More...The Clinic 60 (Youth Health Service) offer a strictly confidential sexual and reproductive health service to all young people. The service is provided by a female Nurse Practitioner.