The team at Health Promotion are available to support parents, pre-schools and child care facilities with young children from birth to 5 years. Early childhood is an important time for setting the foundations for children’s health and wellbeing.
The INFANT program is a designed to provide the opportunity for parents of young children to learn about healthy eating and active play in a relaxed and supportive environment. The focus is on learning about key messages from each other with guidance and advice available from a health professional. There are 4 sessions over the first year of life. The program is free to attend for you and your child. For more information, click here.
Accredited Practising Dietitians with additional qualifications in paediatric nutrition are available for outpatient appointments. They provide individual consultations regarding nutrition and diet related requirements for women at any stage of pregnancy and children from birth through childhood.
No referral is required. Contact Dietetics on 5033 9337 to book an appointment.
Smiles 4 Miles is an initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria which aims to improve the oral health of children and their families in high risk areas across Victoria. Smiles 4 Miles assists early childhood services to encourage and promote good oral health habits and healthy eating among children in their care. The program focuses on 3 key messages: Drink well, Eat well and Clean well. Establishing sound oral health and healthy eating habits from an early age gives children the best chance of maintaining good oral health in adulthood. Health Promotion at Swan Hill District Health implements the Smiles 4 Miles program locally.
This program is designed for new mums and provided through Swan Hill Rural City Council Maternal & Child Health Services.
For more information or to book into the program please contact your Maternal & Child Health Nurse phone: (03) 5032 1329.
For details on this or other nutrition sessions on topics such as introduction to solids, fussy eating or maternal nutrition please contact us.
Early Years Online Hub
Visit our local Early Years Online Hub for up to date and relevant information for parents, carers and services in the Swan Hill Local Government Area. Go to: