Speech Pathology

Speech pathologists are experts in the assessment, diagnosis and management of problems related to communication, swallowing and voice.

What we do

Speech Pathology services are available to people with any sort of communication difficulty. This may include difficulties with speech, language, voice, fluency, and reading and spelling. Speech Pathologists also assist with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.

Our services include

We have speech pathologists working with adults and children across many Swan Hill District Health programs. Each of our programs offers a variety of specialised services, including:

  • Speech and language assessment and therapy
  • Group and individual therapy programs
  • Education sessions
  • Outreach services
  • Assessment and therapy for swallowing difficulties
  • Referrals to external agencies

How to access this service

We accept referrals to community and outpatient speech pathology programs from a range of health professionals, as well as self-referrals from clients and/or their carers.

This service is supported by funding from the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments under the HACC–PYP, CHSP and Community Health programs, eligibility criteria will apply.
Although funding for Speech Pathology services has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.