The Community Health Department offers the Women’s Clinic, providing holistic health care for women of all ages.
Specialist sexual and reproductive health nurses, trained to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of well women, conduct the clinic. We offer women a confidential consultation to discuss any issues regarding their sexual and reproductive health. The Clinic also provides a comprehensive opportunity for women to access regular cervical screening tests or to learn more about breast self-examination. Women may also need to seek clarification or further information about a personal health issue for themselves or members of their family. Unplanned pregnancy support is also a part of the service and is available to all women.
The Sexual & Reproductive Health Nurse will refer on to our Nurse Practitioner or to your GP as appropriate.
Services include:
Your consult is individualised and conducted in a relaxed setting. No referral is required for this service. Cost $10.
For appointments or more information contact Community Health (see right).
Useful websites:
Jean Hailes
Family Planning Victoria
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Cancer Screening Videos in Language
Women’s Health
125 Campbell St, Swan Hill
Phone 03 5033 9337
Fax 03 5036 4561
Email [email protected]